How much has income inequality increased in the United States? Kenworthy, “Income Distribution,” The Good Society, figures 3, 7, 8, 9.Kenworthy, “Longevity,” The Good Society, figure 4. How does life expectancy in the US compare to other rich democratic countries? Kieran Healy, Data Vizualization: A Practical Introduction, Princeton University Press, 2019, figure 4.21.Do Americans want a big welfare state? Kenworthy, “How Much Public Insurance Do Americans Want?,” The Good Society, figures 1-27.Kenworthy, “Climate Stability,” The Good Society, figure 4. Is earth warming? Alberto Cairo, How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information, W.W.Claire Cain Miller, “The Divorce Surge Is Over, But the Myth Lives On,” New York Times, 2014.Khan Academy, “Line Graph,” 2 minutes.Does income increase happiness? Kenworthy, “Happiness,” The Good Society, figures 1, 2, 6.Does life expectancy rise as countries get richer? Kenworthy, “Progress,” The Good Society, figure 13.Does social media make people unhappy? General Social Survey data.Is the south less educated? If so, has it been catching up? General Social Survey data.How unequal is opportunity in America? Kenworthy, “Equality of Opportunity,” The Good Society, figure 2.Does education improve individuals? Does it improve countries? Kenworthy, “What Good Is Education?,” The Good Society, figures 2, 9.Hardy and Jessica Castonguay, “The Moderating Role of Age in the Relationship between Social Media Use and Mental Well-Being: An Analysis of the 2016 General Social Survey.” Computers in Human Behavior, 2018. Tim Harford, “Cigarettes, Damn Cigarettes, and Statistics,” Financial Times, April 10, 2015.

David Spiegelhalter, “What Causes What?,” The Art of Statistics, Basic Books, 2019, pp.Khan Academy, “Correlation and Causality,” 11 minutes.Khan Academy, Regression 2, 9 minutes.Khan Academy, Regression 1, 7 minutes.Khan Academy, “Scatterplots,” 2 minutes.Khan Academy, “Standard Deviation,” 8 minutes.Khan Academy, “Mean, Median, and Mode,” 9 minutes.Has life gotten better? Hans Rosling, “200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes,” Gapminder, 2016.Does the economy influence presidential election outcomes? Kenworthy, “Democracy,” The Good Society, figure 20.Stata Corp, “Getting Started in Stata,” 22 minutes.Lane Kenworthy, “How Do We Know?,” The Good Society.Social science, scatterplots, Stata, the General Social Survey Grading: class attendance 15%, short assignments 60%, research report 25%. I’ve put the Stata commands and data sets for some of the graphs we’ll examine on a “Sample Graph Commands” page.You’ll find it helpful to refer regularly to this “Stata Quick Guide.”.To check variable names, question wording, and more, use the GSS codebook. We’ll make a lot of use of this data set: General Social Survey 1972-2018 (Excel).For this course you only need a six-month “Student” license, which is $48 (at the site, click on “6-month”).